What are the delivery charges?
We offer free P&P in most cases unless the item shows otherwise.

Do you deliver overseas?
Currently not at this time.

Are all your items for sale made out of recycled materials?
No, all Floaties and Breezies are made from pre-loved scarves. Other products may be made from new fabric, depending on requirements.
Where do you get your fabric from?
All the Floaties and Breezies are made from pre-loved fashion scarves.

Where do you get the scarves from?
They are mostly sourced from my local charity shops, but I pick them up whenever I go out and about. Friends and family also donate them.

What type of fabric is it?
Mostly Polyester of some kind or another. Some are blended with cotton or silk. Some of the Floaties/Breezies are very sheer, others not so much.

Why don’t you use new fabric?
There is a lot of emphasis on fast fashion in today’s world and a vast majority of the charity shop stock will end up in landfill as much of it can’t be recycled. There are so many lovely scarves out there that can be refashioned, so a little less being dumped.

Where did you get the idea for making them?
I line dance as a hobby and had met an instructor & choregrapher who wore them regularly and thought to myself “I wonder if I could make those?” I had some old sheer fabric sat in my sewing stash, so gave it a go. After several attempts, I’d found the design I liked.
I’d been to the charity shop and picked up a large scarf with big dots of colour. This became the first official Magpie Me Floatie and is known as the Smartie Floatie and is still worn by the inspiration for them.

What are the sizes?
They are all different sizes. It all depends on the size, shape and condition of the scarves.